Navigating the competitive trucking industry is a formidable challenge, especially for new Motor Carriers (MCs) seeking to establish their presence and grow their business. Many brokers hesitate to collaborate with fresh MCs, citing concerns about credibility, lack of experience, and inspection history. This reluctance restricts opportunities and revenue potential for new MCs, forcing them to wait until their MC gains maturity to access a broader network of brokers and lucrative loads.
Why do brokers treat new Motor Carriers without work history like elusive mythical creatures?
Because to them, working with a trucking rookie seems as rare as finding a unicorn with a CDL!
At DanZ, we embrace a unique approach, firmly believing that every new MC deserves the chance to thrive in the trucking industry. Our comprehensive services aim to empower new MCs by assisting them in securing optimal loads, negotiating favorable rates, and managing crucial paperwork and compliance. Additionally, we provide valuable coaching and guidance to help these businesses operate efficiently and profitably.
DanZ’s Impact on Danspee LLC
Danspee LLC, a Georgia-based new MC in the trucking industry, embarked on its journey in July 2023 with one truck and ambitious growth aspirations. Facing challenges in finding willing brokers, Danspee LLC sought the support of DanZ to overcome industry hurdles.
As a new MC, Danspee LLC encountered limited load options, relying on often unfavorable load boards for business. Further complicating matters, Danspee LLC lacked essential skills and knowledge in various aspects of running a trucking business, from negotiating rates to optimizing routes.
DanZ initiated collaboration with Danspee LLC in July 2023, assigning a dedicated account manager to handle load sourcing, rate negotiation, and compliance matters. Additionally, we provided them with cloud-based access for streamlined management of load information. Within four months, Danspee LLC achieved remarkable results through our partnership. Grossing over $100K with just one truck, they averaged $25K per month. Notable improvements included a 50% increase in load volume, a 20% rise in the rate per mile, and a 15% boost in profit margin. The client also enhanced their safety rating and compliance score, unlocking more opportunities.
Danspee LLC is poised for further growth, set to add another truck to their fleet within a month of this post. The company is on track to double its revenues and fleet size by the end of 2024.